Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Two Quests (Or Eight)

Quest 1: Lego Star Wars II

I loved the first one (Played it on GCN), but when my brother rented this I didn't really care about it...I guess I just played it out with the first and that was good enough for a while...anyway, I got this from the library and am playing it. I've completed all the story of Eps. IV, and either 3 or 4 chapters in the other two. I also got the first one from the library, but I'm going to wait to play that until I beat the second. As far as the actual percentage...I think it's 34 or 36 or so. I've bought quite a few of the characters, mostly the "named" people, plus all the ships. I've only found...four, I believe, red bricks. I haven't done any free plays yet (tho I was doing one but it froze on me), and I haven't gotten more than 6 pieces of any minikit.

Quest(s) 2(-8): King's Quest Collection

For Christmas two years ago, I got a game called King's Quest V. I was worried I would have to have played the others first, but luckily I was fine. It was a great game, but unfortunately it only came with the CD (and the case), but there was a part that asked you to translate something using the instruction booklet. Also, there were two parts where the game would freeze or glitch out. I was able to track which file was messed up, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. So I never finished it. I looked up everything about it, and found out that these games are very popular, and chances of getting any of them at a worthwhile price are next to impossible. So I resigned that I just wouldn't be able to play them...but then I was scanning the Library's games the other day, and saw "King's Quest Collection"! I was happily surprised and quickly put it on hold, and I just barely got it. I haven't played it yet, but I already know at least one of the will be good (there are 7).

Interesting...I just looked in the manual, and it uses DOSBox...I guess these will be exactly in their old format and everything, not even made to work with 2000/XP. Wow.

Also, Rock Band rocks. Not that that's news or anything. Awesome game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great that you found the King's Quest collection at the library! That reminds me; they called me yesterday to say that "Extras" is available for me to pick up now, so I'll go get it tomorrow before work.