Wednesday, April 30, 2008

First Progress Report!

Guitar Hero III: This is my most recent acquisition. I've cleared all the songs on the medium career and 1 on hard. I haven't had a chance to play after I did that one though. I've earned all the normal songs and bought all of the bonus songs. I bought the Robot and the toy looking style for him. I also bought that guitar I unlocked after clearing medium. I think that's it...only played a few on quickplay, since I'm focusing on the career for now.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Definitely one of the best games ever. :D I've unlocked all characters, all stages, 1?? songs, and 6?? stickers. ('?'s will be filled in when I get the info) I have about 20 challenges left. Once it gets to a lower number I'll write out what I have to do. Generally the difficult/long stuff, plus the swimming 300m and Brawling for 50 and 100 hours ones. I've cleared Classic with everyone, completed 99% of Subspace Emissary (2 levels left...gah...), cleared All-Star with around half to 3/4 of everyone, and done the Boss Battles with maybe 1/4 of everyone.

Super Mario Galaxy: I've completed the story, now I'm just working on the stars. I've got ?? of them. Been a while since I've played, so I'm not really sure what else I could write about it.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age: I'm at the point where I could go finish the rest of the last level and hopefully beat the end boss if I wanted, but right now I'm trying to find all the teleport locations and use it. I don't think I've hit half of the summons yet, or if I have then it's not much more than half.

Yu-Gi-Oh!:Nightmare Troubadour: I have 87.1% of all the cards. I just recently reached lv. 23. I have over 82% or higher on all the packs, and 100% of "Mechanical Trap Power". I've completely beaten the story and the extra mode on the ship. I'm registered with every duelist I can but a couple, and I have 6 or 7 deck recipes. My God Card of choice is Slypher, but I don't use it. I've made three "real" decks (meaning not including decks I made just to beat a specific person). I've beaten all begginer puzzles, all but 2 intermediate puzzles, and 5 advanced puzzles.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Pinball: The highest score I've reached is something a little over 3 billion. Once I top that I'll write down the exact score. I need something over 7 billion to get on the boards, something over 9 billion to top it...assuming the record-holder doesn't beat his own score again.

OK, it's fianlly done! :P Subsequent posts won't be nearly as long, I promise, unless I neglect posting...but I don't intend for that to be a problem.

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